
Showing posts from February, 2024
  Important Dates  Late Start:    All Wednesdays in March Report Cards Come Home Thursday, March 7th: Sign the envelope and return it the next day  Field Trip to Planetarium: 3/19 from 9:30-10:30 (no chaperones needed) Spring Break: March 29th School Resumes: April 8th Lansing Trip - April 15 (Parent Chaperones needed) 4th Grade Music Performance - April 24th at the high school: at 5:00 Sarett - May 3 -12:30-2:00  (Parent Chaperones needed) Social Awareness Idea #4 from Ms. Von Behren Social Awareness Link from Ms. Von Behren Social Awareness Self-Management Link from Ms. Von Behren In the classroom:   s tudents will research and write an informational essay on a historical event. I encourage you to ask your child which historical event they are going to choose!  Reading:   Our reading strategy focus will be looking for the main idea of non-fiction and fiction passages and books using EBLI strategies.  I am working on what reading strategies and goals each student needs. These strategi
  Hello Lincoln Families, Thank you for participating in your child's spring student-led conference! Whether you came in for a face-to-face or your child presented at home, it's a perfect time of the year to celebrate as well as revisit learning goals and make adjustments where needed. Remember when your child presents at home, email me so he/she can receive a touchdown! Report cards will be going home the week of March 4th. In the classroom, we are doing many assessments in reading, math, and science. These will be coming home by the end of the week. Read In: Friday, March 1st is the beginning of March Reading Month! This Friday we will begin the celebration with a Read-In. Students can wear their P.J.s, bring a snack and clear drink, and lots of their favorite books! Be sure to scroll down to see the dress-up dates for March 4th -8th. Have a fantastic week! Social Awareness Link from Ms. Von Behren Social Awareness Self-Management Link from Ms. Von Behren March 4-8 Dress-Up D