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Hello Lincoln Families,

Our class clips touched the floor! To celebrate on Tuesday, May 28th our class wants to bring bikes, scooters, rollerblades, and hoverboards to school. Your child doesn't have to participate, but if it works for you, they can bring it to school in the morning. Also, next week for the afternoon of Kiwanis Park, we will eat lunch at school. There are no special accommodations. You are welcome to join us!

Important Dates

Here is a copy of the ABC list for the end-of-the-year countdown with various fun activities and themed days. 

Last Late Start: May 22nd

Kiwanis Park (leave Lincoln at 12:30)*lunch at school: May 22nd

Field Day: May 23rd

5th-grade kickball game: May 29th

Half days: 5/29, 5/30, 5/31

Last day of school: May 31st

Ms. Von Behren Information/Lessons:

Responsible Decision Making Lesson 2 & 3

Responsible Decision Making

Relationship Skills Lesson 3 Ms. V

Relationship Skills Lesson 2 from Ms. V

Relationship Skills Lesson 1 from Ms. V

Social Awareness Idea #4 from Ms. Von Behren

Social Awareness Link from Ms. Von Behren

Social Awareness

Self-Management Link from Ms. Von Behren

In the classroom: 

Reading: Our reading strategy focus will be looking for the main idea of non-fiction and fiction passages and books using EBLI strategies. I am working on what reading strategies and goals each student needs. These strategies are intended to be added to their "reading tool kit". These mini-lessons are used as a focus for many reading strategies. It's possible to use more than one reading strategy at a time. These strategies cover comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary. What is EBLI?

Math: Unit 7: Unit 7 assessment will be given sometime this week. 

Angles and Angle Measurement: Students learn to draw and identify points, rays, segments, angles, and lines, including parallel and perpendicular lines. Students also learn how to use a protractor to measure angles draw angles of given measurements, and identify acute, obtuse, right, and straight angles in two-dimensional figures.

Unit 7 Home Video

Math Units below

  1. Factors and Multiples
  2. Fraction Equivalence and Comparison
  3. Extending Operations to Fractions
  4. From Hundredths to Hundred-thousands
  5. Multiplicative Comparison and Measurement
  6. Multiplying and Dividing Multi-digit Numbers
  7. Angles and Angle Measurement

ScienceEnergizing Everything will be our last science unit. 

Social Studies: Our Federal Government Students have taken the final assessment on this unit.

The Positivity Project focus this week is Other People.

Snacks in the Classroom

Please make sure that everyday snacks are quick and easy for your child to handle. For example please no yogurt, pudding, uncut fruit, or messy items for daily snacks, including sandwiches. This avoids spilling on school devices, furniture, new carpet, etc. These food items work better in the lunchroom. Because the 4th grade has a fast-paced curriculum, snack time is a quick break, not a meal. Thank you for your understanding. 


We love to celebrate birthdays! For students who would like to celebrate birthdays in our class please bring in non-food items, for example instead of cupcakes maybe pencils. Sometimes parents put together little gift bags. These are just ideas. There is no obligation to send anything! 

Welcome to 4th Grade Letter

Weekly Specials Schedule

Lunch: 1:10-1:35 Lunch Recess: 1:35-2:00

A.M. Recess: 10:05-10:20 every day

P.M. Recess: 3:15-3:30 every day






 No Specials




   Media Center


8:10 Drop-Off Begins: Students can go to the playground or enter the building for breakfast

Supervision will be available on the playground.

8:23 Bell Rings for students to begin to enter the building.

8:25 Bell Rings: Teachers should be outside their

doors to monitor the hallway and greet students as they enter the room

8:30 Tardy Bell Rings

3:50 Dismissal

*Students who will be eating breakfast may enter the gymnasium door anytime after 8:10 to enjoy breakfast in the cafeteria.

*Late Start Wednesdays:

Supervision for Late Starts will begin at 8:10 at Lincoln Elementary School.

Arrival time and tardy bell delayed one hour 9:25/9:30

*Half-day dismissal is at 12:09 p.m.

*Shuttle riders should head outside at 3:30 on full days and 11:55 on half days.

Pick up & Drop off Procedures

Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI 49085


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