December Stock Illustrations – 998,584 December Stock ...

Hello Lincoln Families,

Thank you to all the families who sent in extra snacks this last week because of the late Thanksgiving lunch. The students were able to enjoy them for a couple of days! 

Report cards will be coming home tomorrow! Make sure you go over it with your child and discuss learning goals and growth since fall conferences. Please sign the envelope and return it Tuesday so your child can get 15 yards!  As I've mentioned, it's important to keep in mind a couple of things. First, if your child is not a "3" the goal is to get there by the end of 4th grade. Students develop at their own pace. Second, students will continue to get individualized and group intervention in the areas below a "3" which is considered at grade level. Also, in math, and reading, there are ways to practice at home, which is probably necessary if the practice at school is not enough to master these goals. Students who are struggling with fractions need multiplication and division fluency. Please consider helping your child practice these facts to memory. In reading it's equally important for your child to read consistently a  book that is not too easy or too hard at his/her interest level. The research supports that if this happens at school and home, along with quality instruction at school, your child can become a lifelong reader. I look forward to continuing our work together. In addition, our 4th grade is participating in an English Language Arts pilot using Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction (EBLI) this school year. Due to the alignment of this targeted program, some areas of the report card under English Language Arts will not be populated until later in the school year. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns related to his/her progress. 

Information from Ms. Von Behren about Self-Management:

Learner Behavior

Important Dates

 Late Start:  11/29, 12/6, 12/13, 12/20

Holiday Breakfast: 12/2

Winter Party: 12/22

In the classroom: I encourage you to ask your child what's going on in the classroom. For example, What EBLI strategy are you learning? How do you add fractions?

Reading: Our reading strategy focus will be looking for the main idea of non-fiction and fiction passages and books using EBLI strategies.  I am working on what reading strategies and goals each student needs. These strategies are intended to be added to their "reading tool kit". These mini-lessons are used as a  focus for many reading strategies. It's possible to use more than one reading strategy at a time. These strategies cover comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary. What is EBLI?

We are currently reading aloud and in small groups, Harriet Tubman, Conductor on the Underground Railroad. This is a true story explaining her bravery and overcoming every obstacle. We focus on vocabulary, spelling, writing main idea summaries, and comprehension questions. We are also reading Towers Falling. This a historical fiction story based on the character Deja who learns about who she is and what happened on September 11, 2001. We focus on vocabulary, spelling, writing summaries, and comprehension questions. Students continue to do their at-home reading. When they are finished with the bookmark, they need to write a main idea summary as well as a theme if the book is non-fiction.

Math:   Unit 4 

Unit Goals

  • Students read, write and compare numbers in decimal notation. They also extend place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers and add and subtract within 1,000,000.

Section A Goals

  • Represent, compare, and order decimals to the hundredths by reasoning about their size.
  • Write tenths and hundredths in decimal notation.

Section B Goals

  • Read, represent, and describe the relative magnitude of multi-digit whole numbers up to 1 million.
  • Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, the value of a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right.

Section C Goals

  • Compare, order, and round multi-digit whole numbers within 1,000,000.

Section D Goals

  • Add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.

IM Family Resources

Math Units below

  1. Factors and Multiples
  2. Fraction Equivalence and Comparison
  3. Extending Operations to Fractions
  4. From Hundredths to Hundred-thousands
  5. Multiplicative Comparison and Measurement
  6. Multiplying and Dividing Multi-digit Numbers
  7. Angles and Angle Measurement

Science: Our next science unit is the Birth of Rocks. Birth of Rocks (click here)

Social Studies: Will begin Unit 2 after our Science unit Birth of Rocks. 

In this unit, students explore the United States through the social studies discipline of geography. In exploring the United States in spatial terms, students first consider the location of the United States. They learn about and use a variety of geographic tools such as maps, globes, and satellite images to answer the question “Where is the United States?” Next, students examine the concept of place relative to the United States. They use songs, stories, photographs, and aerial images to investigate the question, “What is it like there?” and to describe significant physical and human characteristics. Students also use the concept of regions to compare sections of the United States. They build on their understanding that regions are defined by common characteristics and explore ways in which the United States can be divided into regions. Students then compare a region to which Michigan belongs with other regions in the United States using special purpose maps.

The Positivity Project focus this week is Integrity

If you are interested in volunteering to organize classroom parties fill out the Google Forms. Thank you for your consideration!

Be sure to add it to your calendar the party dates!

Winter Party--December 22

Kindness Party--February 14

(Click on the link)

Snacks in the Classroom

Please make sure that everyday snacks are quick and easy for your child to handle. For example please no yogurt, pudding, uncut fruit, or messy items for daily snacks, including sandwiches. This avoids spilling on school devices, furniture, new carpet, etc. These food items work better in the lunchroom. Because the 4th grade has a fast-paced curriculum, snack time is a quick break, not a meal. Thank you for your understanding. 


We love to celebrate birthdays! For students who would like to celebrate birthdays in our class please bring in non-food items, for example instead of cupcakes maybe pencils. Sometimes parents put together little gift bags. These are just ideas. There is no obligation to send anything! 

Welcome to 4th Grade Letter

Party Dates:

Fall Party--October 31

Winter Party--December 22

Kindness Party--February 14

Weekly Specials Schedule

Lunch: 1:10-1:35 Lunch Recess: 1:35-2:00

A.M. Recess: 10:05-10:20 every day

P.M. Recess: 3:15-3:30 every day






 No Specials




   Media Center


8:10 Drop-Off Begins: Students can go to the playground or enter the building for breakfast

Supervision will be available on the playground.

8:23 Bell Rings for students to begin to enter the building.

8:25 Bell Rings: Teachers should be outside their

doors to monitor the hallway and greet students as they enter the room

8:30 Tardy Bell Rings

3:50 Dismissal

*Students who will be eating breakfast may enter the gymnasium door anytime after 8:10 to enjoy breakfast in the cafeteria.

*Late Start Wednesdays:

Supervision for Late Starts will begin at 8:10 at Lincoln Elementary School.

Arrival time and tardy bell delayed one hour 9:25/9:30

*Half-day dismissal is at 12:09 p.m.

*Shuttle riders should head outside at 3:30 on full days and 11:55 on half days.

Pick up & Drop off Procedures

Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI 49085


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